We are proud of our exciting and varied curriculum at Akeley Wood Junior School. It is under constant scrutiny and review to ensure it provides focus on the development of knowledge and skills in a fun, interactive and responsible way. We encourage active participation and aim to provide a curriculum to develop children with a love of learning.
We aim to create an environment in both taught lessons and beyond, where academic risk-taking, questioning and debating, challenging thinking and the freedom to learn from mistakes are all accepted and encouraged.
Academic Curriculum
Our taught curriculum broadly follows the EYFS framework for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the English National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 (KS1) and Key Stage 2 (KS2). Teachers plan lessons to support children to achieve age related End of Year Expectations for their year group. Our pupils take GL Summative Assessments at the end of Years 1-6 in English and Mathematics.
Our curriculum is inclusive. For those pupils with special educational needs, the school uses well established Learning Support programmes led by the SENCo and Inclusion Lead. We also have an Exceptional Potential Programme, ensuring those children exceeding expectations are challenged appropriately.